Sunday, October 25, 2009

RIP Junior

So last night James found a baby mouse in his room. We felt really bad for it because it's parents had already been killed by mouse it was an orphan baby mouse. James brought it over to my house this morning and I squealed in delight. It was so smalllll!! And so sweet and cute and wobbly. James had put the mouse in a little bucket, which we then put close to my space heater in my room to keep the mouse warm. It was so cute because the mouse would press itself against the side that was closest to the heater because it was the warmest. My roommate decided we should name it 'James Junior' or just 'Junior' for short. We didn't know how long it had been since Junior had eaten, so we headed to the store and bought some infant formula and a medicine dropper. While feeding Junior...I think he drowned. I guess we just didn't give him enough time to breathe between drinking. I cried.

And thus concludes the adventure of James and my first child. RIP James Junior. We loved you.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Woah... I'm glad you learned this valuable life lesson before having babies. Albeit they are harder to drown with an eyedropper, never say never!