Thursday, October 1, 2009

Life Smife Fife

Sometimes it's weird living in the state that I grew up in. I'm going back to visit my home town tomorrow, which I'm very excited for, but it all feels so strange now. I feel like my 14 years in Kanab was an entirely different life. And really, it was. It was an entirely different lifestyle; different attitude. But now it feels strange to be going back to visit that life after living such a completely different one.
Most of the time I feel like I have multiple personalities because they have to match the different places I've been.
I spend a lot of time thinking about what life would be like if I had stayed in Kanab and gone to High School there, instead of moving to Canada. Would I have been a Cheerleader? Who - if anyone - would have asked me to Homecoming? To Prom? There's a lot of little things that I feel sad about missing out on. Like the way guys in Kanab asked girls to dances. They didn't just call them up and say, "Uh hey yeah...I was uhhhhhh.....*aherm* UHHHHH just'dliketogotothedancewithme?" They'd do really cute things like go and decorate the girl's rooms with balloons and streamers and a note asking them to the dance, or something like that. I feel really sad that I missed out on that. But maybe no one would have ever asked me...and I would feel more sad about that.

Canadian Thanksgiving is soon. I don't want to wait until November for turkey. Boo.

I miss Pumpkin Spice Donuts from Timmies.

1 comment:

Kara said...

More blog please.