So the past couple of weeks have been interesting, to say the least. My brain has not been functioning properly. It started in the last few days of my visit to Canada. I started having dizzy spells which progressively got worse, to the point where I felt like I was drunk. I was having trouble saying my sentences properly, and I was having trouble focusing - both mentally and visually. It was both frustrating and scary. It's gotten better bit by bit, but I still don't feel completely normal.
However. After working til quarter after 2 a.m. Saturday night, I had to be at work at 10 a.m. Sunday morning. Running on 5 hours of sleep, something happened towards the end of my shift on Sunday that really stressed me out to the max. Fortunately it was resolved within a few minutes, but in that time of stress, I was literally seeing spots and my ears were ringing. That's when it dawned on me: Could this whole thing be totally mental and caused by stress? If me getting stressed out at work caused me to see spots, it's a definite possibility. I'm working, I'm in a serious relationship, I'm planning a wedding and honeymoon, and I'm looking for a new place. It doesn't look like much in writing, but wedding planning is by far the most stressful thing I've done in years. The thing that's the most stressful is not organizing everything, but having to deal with everyone else's input of how they think your wedding should be. And listening to their expressions of disappointment that your wedding is not what they want. A friend of mine that just got married recently wrote me to suggest a wedding photographer. In that email she also thanked me for being so nice to her and her husband a few days before the wedding. She expressed that weddings bring up a lot of ugly stuff so it was nice to have someone around that was genuinely happy for them. I sort of understood what she meant when I first read it, but as time goes by and the wedding date gets closer, I understand more and more. Engagements and weddings are supposed to be a celebratory time, but the only thing I feel like celebrating is that it's going to be over soon and I can just be married.
If anyone has any suggestions of how I can de-stress enough to just feel like I'm in a normal headspace, that would be appreciated more than I can say.
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Yeah, I feel you.
this wedding planing business with everyone thinking you should do it a certain way, and everyone's ideas of what it should be conflicting against each other, especially because of the religious differences in our families and friends... really makes it hard to please everyone and is really stressful.
That was a run on sentence... but whatever.
I think we just need to make it OUR wedding and work better as a team to make it so. I promise to help more and make your life easier
The #1 Most Important thing is YOU.
Take care of yourself first and foremost! You'll just worry those who are closest to you and we wouldn't want that :)
I'd imagine it isn't easy to plan a wedding, honeymoon & find a place to live afterwards, but you're the star of the show. It doesn't matter what others think your wedding should be like--it's YOUR wedding! Their input should be kept at a minimum and that's only if you ask for their opinion.
I think you should stop at a spa just to de-stress yourself, massages, mud, scented candles--the works. Give yourself a "ME" day just to unwind all your worries.
anddd those are my two-cents.
Take care dear!
connie, if i had the money for a spa day i'd TOTALLY be there lol. as it is, james and i are going to start selling our plasma just to be able to afford a honeymoon. tres romantic. but thank you for your sweet comment :) it would be nice if people could realize that this isn't their wedding, it's james' and mine lol.
Please come and eat dinner with us soon.
ok. this week is pretty busy, but maybe next week?
Getting dizzy and seeing spots is not right dude. You need to get yourself your vitamin B's, and how. Did you pass out when you gave away your blood? I usually do a combo of puke and pass out. I think its my body trying to defend itself from what it assumes is a vampire. Because what else is a body to think, it has no brain. Oh wait.. Anyway, eat your B's and make sure you get enough carbs cause that sounds like stress + blood sugar levels. Also sensual massage.
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