Friday, September 18, 2009

Guess what yesterday was...?!

It's been a full week since I started this Herbalife thing, and so far I must say I'm pretty darn pleased with the program. And I have to pee less than I did when I started. That's nice.
Weight: 139
Total Overall Inches Lost: 5
2 pounds and 5 inches in a week is not too shabby! Now I measure and weigh every week so we'll see what kind of progress I make. I can't lie, though. I'm REALLY excited because my weight hasn't been in the 130s since I was a teenager.


I was reading through my old posts on here and I gotta say...I was a very sad little being. And very profane. No wonder nobody read those things! So sad and angry.
I also think it's really funny how much I praised my University roommates, because my last couple of months living with them ended up being some of the worst months OF MY LIFE. Evil girls. Evil, consistently drunk and high girls. A few of my friends can testify to their evilness too.

I just realized that I have nothing else really to say. OH!

The sky was AMAZING yesterday! The sun was starting to set and there was a thunderstorm brewin' so the clouds were amazing. I took a picture! Let's see if I can show you...

Yay! Hopefully you can see that. It was a pretty fantastic sky. I love the skies here.

Welp...that's all I've got for today.

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